Wednesday, December 2, 2009


After the teacher-student conference, there were lots of ideas flashing upon my mind. Although there is no “fatal” grammatical problem and according to teacher’s advice, the main idea is too vague. Besides, my article consists of the problem of plagiarism. I would like to discuss each part of the problems one by one.
For one thing, the main idea is too common according to teacher’s suggestions. In my paper, I would like to state the content of orality and literacy. However, my thesis is too vague and too common. Every one knows the importance of speaking and writing. The fact is that I should find somethinng that is extraordinary enough to catch readers' attention. Therefore, I need to reconstruct my paper again. After the conference, I think there is a way that I can do: adjusting my title a little bit. I would like to discuss about whether orality and literacy is separably or inseparably discussed. I believe this little adjustment will be a beginning or you can say" a challenge".
For the other, in my revised paper, teacher found that I erred in plagiarism. At first, I do not remember that teacher has said that plagiarism is intolerable; however, I made such a "fatal" error afterwards. I should know where the bottom line is and try to try not to step across it. Introduction and plagiarism really differs according to whether you have extended mind or not.
It will be a new start for me because I determine to write the "a little bit new" topic. I hope this beginning will be better than the previous papers and annotations.

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