Monday, September 21, 2009

Between Writing and Speaking: Is Only Writing The Best Way to Learn Language in Taiwan?

Writing and speaking are different forms of communication,both related to language. The former is the mixture of grammar, lexicon, sentence rules, and so on; however, the latter emphasizes manifestation of language. On one hand, writing is more preservable than speaking, so language can last for many years; on the other hand, speaking can express the beauty of language vividly and directly. Therefore, when learning language, you have to train both so that you are able to know language completely.

However, for Taiwan educational systems, it seems that reading and writing overemphasize. On the contrary, speaking is less noticed of by people in Taiwan. Take English learning for example. According to the latest rank of TOFEL, people in Taiwan did not get as good grades as those in Asia. Besides, according to the rank of IELTS, the grades of Taiwan are almost worst in different fourteen countries in Asia. But, when walking along the pavement, you can see many advertisements that many people got high grades in language, especially English. It is a paradoxical, is not? Apparently, it is wake-up call for Taiwan education.

The reason why this phenomenon do exists in Taiwan roots from Taiwan educational system. In Taiwan educational system, examination leads education. When children in Taiwan reach the age of learning, academic challenges begins. In the process of their growing-up, they have to do good grades to fulfill the elders’ expectations or their glory. When times goes by, they make the habit that if there is no exam in that subject, they will choose not to study, even get to know. That is, everything tested on paper is always noticed of. So, reading and writing are put more emphasis on. In comparison, because speaking is difficult to be examined on paper, people ignores this indispensable language ability little by little.

Is really only writing the best way to learn language? My answer will be “no”. Speaking and writing are equally significant in English learning, like a man has two hands. One is left, and the other is right. If a man lose one of his hands, his whole body is deficient. In addition, originally language is used for speaking. You can not transmit your ideas only through writing and reading. You have to sound for yourself in many cases and conditions. In sum, speaking can not emphasize too much! Pluck up your courage to speak language orally and let others what you want them to know. Learning languages is not as difficult as you learned before!

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