Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Revised Annotation I and II

This is my review about chapter one in Walter J. Ong, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. (1988).
In this chapter, the author shows readers lots of scholars' points of view about orality and literacy at first. Some scholars think that writing is basic form of languages, but agreed that writing is kind of a auxiliary tool for oral speech, others state that orality contrasts literacy, and still others, who are structionists, analyze oral tradition in the attempt to find the contrasts between writing and speaking.
Even though different notion about orality and literacy do exist at the present, the author would like to introduce our language systems in our lives. For example, he state the reasons why literacy or writing will be more noticed of in addition to better preservance. He said, " All thoughts, including that in primary oral cultures, is to some drgree analytic:it breaks its materials into various components. But abstractly sequential, classificatory, explanatory examination of phenomena or of stated truth is impossible without writing and speaking. I think his explanation really boardens my horizons.
Finally, the author think that because we are used to our oral tradition( or culture), we often look others' cultures by means of ourlanguage systems. So, there is no subordinate relationship between writing and speaking. Writng is not just basic form to resent ideas; likewise, speaking is not just transformer of verbalization.